Our Fighter Practice Sites
The Summer Site
Located in the heart of Longmont, right off of Main Street! Our summer fighter practice runs from May through August from 6pm till darkness deems it unsafe (usually 9pm).
The Winter Site
Right off Hover and Boston, our winter fighter practice site is indoors, spacious and has a foyer with restrooms! This sites runs from September till the end of April from 6pm till 9pm.
From the Marshals
The Knight Marshal
If you are interested in armored combat. Make your way to the "Armored" resource page.
The Rapier Marshal
Good day to all!
As you are well aware, the season has changed, and we are now congregating at our summer practice location (see above). This means a couple of things-
- Practice can extend well into the evening. Keep safety in mind if you are going to practice after sunset.
- Weather can be a valid reason to postpone, or even cancel practice. Any announcements will be broadcast on the "Populace of the Barony of Caer Galen" FaceBook page.
Hop on over to the "Rapier - C & T" resource page for information on the Art of Defense.
The Archery Marshal
Do you like projectiles? Head on over to the "Archery -Siege -Thrown" page to to get the skinny on period ballistics.